Patrick Lantschner, ‘Intractable Cities: Urbanism in the Islamic Sphere of the Later Medieval Mediterranean World’, 211–234
Uri Jacob, ‘“Go, Sirventoys, Swiftly as an Arrow”: The Unbound Transmission of Song in Crusading Contexts’, 235–251
Figen Kıvılcım Çorakbaş, Miray Gür, İmran Satış Atar, M. Gazihan Çelik & İlayda Maşat, ‘An “Earthly” Manifestation of Power: The Architectural and Urban Contexts of Iznik Tiles Produced under the Patronage of the Ottoman Palace’, 252–280
Thomas Brosset, ‘The First Crusade and the Failure of Kerbogha’s Campaign from Mosul to Antioch (March–June 1098): A Re-evaluation’, 281–303
Aliya Abdukadir Ali, ‘Networks of Power in al-Ḥajjāj b. Yūsuf al-Thaqafī’s Governorship Over Irāq’, 304–326
David Romney Smith, ‘Shadow Diplomacy: Pisa, Denia, and a Lost Muslim-Christian Alliance in the Eleventh-Century Mediterranean’, 327–343
Paul Oldfield, ‘Messina, 1167–68: A Microhistory of Urban Agency in the Twelfth-Century Kingdom of Sicily’, 344–363
Angela Isoldi, ‘The birkas of Cairo in the Mamlūk Period: A Topographic and Socio-Economic Study’, 364–382
Special Issue: Negotiating borders in the Medieval Islamic West
Guest Editor: Ann Christys
Ann Christys, ‘Introduction: Negotiating Borders in the Medieval Islamic West’, 131–134
Maribel Fierro, ‘Rulers Making Boundaries Clear in the Medieval Islamic West: The Cordoban Umayyads and the Almohads*’, 135–148
Ryo Takahashi, ‘Mālikī Scholars on Christians in Umayyad al-Andalus: Juridical Dialogues and Discussions of “Mixed Families”*’, 149–162
Aurora González Artigao, ‘Resolving Gender Ambiguity: An Initial Approach to Hermaphroditism in al-Andalus: The Case of the “Bearded Woman” of Tudela’, 163–175
Amira K. Bennison, ‘Sainthood and Social Boundary Crossing in Medieval Islamic North Africa’, 176–193
Ahmet Usta, ‘Commercial Deceit: Fraudulent Trade from the Ports of Cilicia and Cyprus to the Mamlūks’, 1–22
Marco Zuccato, ‘Rethinking the Ninth-Century Islamic Presence in Peninsular Italy: A Perspective Through Islamic History and Politics’, 23–41
Anna Kotłowska & Kazimierz Ilski, ‘Institutional and Functional Aspects of Hunting in Byzantium’, 42–67
Jordi Maíz Chacón, ‘Mallorca at the Crossroads of Powers in the Ninth Century’, 68–77
Marianna Mazzola, ‘Diplomats and Betrayers: Christian Negotiators and the Confessional Rewriting of Surrender during the Islamic Conquest (634–642 AD)’, 78–104
Amy C. Boland & Kyle C. Lincoln, ‘“However Many Priests Instructed in Latin and Arabic of Good Reputation and Letters You May Find”: Dominican Traditions About Language Acquisition and Missionary Preaching, c. 1190–1250’, 105–124
Special Issue: Approaching the Early Medieval Iberian Economy from the ground up
Guest Editors: Paolo Tedesco, Merle Eisenberg & Jamie Wood
Paolo Tedesco, Merle Eisenberg & Jamie Wood, ‘Approaching the Early Medieval Iberian Economy from the Ground Up’, 247–270 First Page Preview| Full Text| PDF (1.9 MB)| EPUB
Linda R. Gosner, ‘Mining for Gold in Visigothic Iberia: Archaeological Perspectives on Economy, Landscape, and Labour’, 271–290
Nerea Fernández Cadenas, ‘Pastoralism and Peasant Accounting in Post-Roman Times: The Numerical Slates of the Sistema Central’, 291–308
Sara Prata & Catarina Tente, ‘The Early Medieval Peasant Economy: An Analysis of Archaeological Data from Central Portugal’, 309–325
Ana Patrícia Magalhães, ‘Living on the Edge: Commerce and Trade on the Southwest Lusitanian Port Ensembles in Late Antiquity’, 326–342
Daniel Osland, ‘The Role of Cities in the Early Medieval Economy’, 343–363
Damián Fernández, ‘Testators and the Visigothic State: A “from the Ground Up” Approach to Inheritance Law’, 364–387
Merle Eisenberg & Jamie Wood, ‘The Business of Bishops: The Ecclesiastical Economy of Visigothic Iberia’, 388–408
Inês Lourinho, ‘Military Jihād against Muslims: ‘Abd Allāh b. Yāsīn and the Foundation of a Saharan Political Unit that Would Conquer the Maghreb and al-Andalus (Eleventh Century)’, 119–142
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John Latham-Sprinkle, ‘The Late Mamlūk Transition of the 1380s: The View from the North Caucasus’, 143–163
Francesco Migliazzo, ‘City-republics of Northern Italy and the Sicilian Vespers: The Perception of the Revolt in the Urban Chronicles’, 164–183
Ana B. Cano-Carrillo, ‘A Fifteenth-century Fatwa Issued by al-Wansharīsī on the Fate of Christian Prisoners: Death, or Captivity?’, 184–193
Mohammed Ibraheem Ahmed, ‘Islam and Judaism: Religious Attitudes and Identity in the Medinan Era’, 194–216
Carlo Virgilio, ‘A Dwarf Among Giants: A Diplomatic and Political Reading of Florence’s First Commercial Expedition to Ottoman Constantinople’, 217-233
Special Issue: Acts of Excommunication in the Late Antique and Medieval Middle East
Guest Editor: Edmund Hayes
Edmund Hayes, ‘Introduction: Comparing “Acts of Excommunication” in the Late Antique and Early Medieval Middle East’, 1–13
Shimon Fogel, ‘The “Long History” of Nidūy – from Tannaitic Literature to Late Antiquity’, 14–33
Georg Leube, ‘Resolving Ambivalence through (Claimed) Excommunication: The Depiction of al-Ashʿath b. Qays in Early and Classical Arabic-Islamic Historiography’, 34–53
Edmund Hayes, “Smash His Head with a Rock”: Imāmic Excommunications and the Production of Deviance in Late Ninth-Century Imāmī Shīʿism, 54–75
Philip Wood, “Lest the Faithful Doubt or the Heretics Mock”: Patriarchs, Caliphs and Implementing Excommunication in the Jacobite Church c.650–850, 76–94
Moshe Yagur, ‘Excommunication and apostasy: re-drawing Jewish communal boundaries in Fāṭimid and Ayyūbid Egypt’, 95–109
Haviva Ishay, ‘“To Breathe Life into the Past as a Means of Bringing New Blood to the Present”: The Instructional Poetry of Abraham Ibn Ezra’, 183–195
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Adday Hernández, ‘The Absence of the Jewish Usurer Trope in Andalusī Written Sources’, 196–216
Antonia Bosanquet, ‘Ifrīqiya’s Status in the Caliphal Hierarchy in the Marwānid Period’, 217–236
Serkan Gündüz & Işıl Akalan Gündüz, ‘Reconsidering the Fort at Civetot (Kibotos) and the Recent Discovery of a Submerged Building Complex in Nicomedia Bay’, 237–255
Lilian Abou-Tabickh, ‘What Does Ibn Khaldūn Mean by the Term Mādda? On Human Association and Political-Economic Organisation’, 256–275
Ismail Lala, ‘Exaltation of Women in the Chapter on Muḥammad in Ibn ʿArabī’s Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam’, 276–291
Hassan S. Khalilieh, ‘May the Umayyad Coastal Ribāṭ Fortress of Kafr Lāb Have Been Built in Memory of Mujāhid ibn Jabr?’, 299–313
Tineke Melkebeek, ‘Warrior Women in Ibn Rushd’s Commentary on Plato’s Republic: Mythico-Barbarian Geography in the Case for Female Guardians, an Unsolved Passage’, 314–335
Special Issue: Sharing Sacred Space in the Medieval Mediterranean
Guest editor: Jan Vandeburie
Jessica Tearney-Pearce & Jan Vandeburie, ‘Sharing Sacred Space in the Medieval Mediterranean: Introduction’, 103–110
Benjamin Z. Kedar, ‘Studying the “Shared Sacred Spaces” of the Medieval Levant: Where Historians May Meet Anthropologists’, 111–126
Bernard Hamilton & Andrew Jotischky, ‘The Mount Sinai Monastery: A Successful Example of Shared Holy Space’, 127–139
Thomas W. Smith, ‘Not Sharing the Holy Land: Attitudes towards Sacred Space in Papal Crusade Calls, 1095–1234’, 140–161
Nickiphoros I. Tsougarakis, ‘Sharing on the Way to the Holy Land: The Shrine of Our Lady of Cassiope on the Island of Corfu’, 162–171
Alessandro Rizzo, ‘The Significance of the Written Word in European–Mamlūk Diplomatic Missions’, 1–18
Susannah Bain, ‘Placing Messina: The Politics and Geography of Bartolomeo da Neocastro’s Historia Sicula (c. 1294)’, 19–33
Hadi Taghavi & Ehsan Roohi, ‘Caesar Bardas and the Earthquake of Constantinople: The Rival Depictions of the Event in the Arabic and Byzantine Sources’, 34–52
Angela Isoldi, ‘Unveiling al-Isfār ʽan ḥukm al-asfār: Structural Analysis of a Fifteenth-Century Medical Manual for Travellers’, 53–73
Richard Allington, ‘New Saladins: Spiritual Crusading and the Typology of Crusading Enemies’, 74–87
Alice Croq, ‘From Amida to Famagusta via Cairo: The Syrian Scribe Yūsuf ibn Sbāṭ in His Eastern Mediterranean Context c. 1350–1360’, 235–256
Cailah Jackson, ‘Reframing the Qarāmānids: Exploring Cultural Life through the Arts of the Book’, 257–281
Maria Mavroudi, ‘The Modern Historiography of Byzantine and Islamic Philosophy: A Comparison’, 282–299
James Wilson, ‘The “ʿasākir al-Shām”: Medieval Arabic Historiography of the Siege, Capture and Battle of Antioch during the First Crusade 490–491/1097–1098’, 300–336
Special Issue: Authority Beyond Tribe and State in the Early Medieval Maghrib
Guest editor: Philip Wood
Philip Wood, ‘Introduction: Group Formation and Maintenance in the ʿAbbāsid and Fāṭimid Caliphates, 750–1000’, 107–116
Anna Chrysostomides, ‘“There is no harm in it”: Muslim Participation in Levantine Christian Religious Festivals (750–1000)’, 117–138
Phil Booth, ‘Alexandria and Antioch in the First ʿAbbāsid Century’, 139–155
Philip Wood, ‘The Treaty between Muḥammad and the Christians of Najrān in the Chronicle of Seert: Negotiating the Rights of the Conquered and the Re-writing of the Past’, 156–168
Marina Rustow, ‘Jews and the Fāṭimid Caliphate’, 169–187
Edmund Hayes, ‘The Institutions of the Shīʿī Imāmate: Towards a Social History of Early Imāmī Shiʿism*’, 188–204
Nimrod Hurvitz, ‘Theology, Law and Social Configuration: Views and Attitudes towards Theological Innovators (mubtadiʿūn)’, 205–218
Special Issue: Authority Beyond Tribe and State in the Early Medieval Maghrib
Guest editors: Corisande Fenwick & Andy Merrills
Corisande Fenwick & Andy Merrills, ‘Introduction: Authority beyond Tribe and State in the “Middle Maghrib”’, 1–13
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Andy Merrills, ‘The Men Who Would Be King: Moorish Political Hierarchies and Imperial Policy in Byzantine Africa’, 14–29
Cyrille Aillet, ‘Identifying the Rustamid Imamate. State Building and Urban Foundation through the Case of Tāhart’, 30–46
Chloé Capel, ‘Authority Beyond State and Tribe in the Early Medieval Maghrib: The Impact of Climate on the Economic, Social and Political Reorganisation of the Maghrib al-Aqṣā in the Eighth–Ninth Centuries: The Case of Sijilmāsa (Morocco)’, 47–65
Virginie Prevost, ‘The Banū Yahrāsan, Political and Sacred Leaders in Ibāḍī Djerba’, 66–84
Arin Salamah-Qudsi, ‘“Licked by Fire”: Sumnūn Ibn Ḥamza (d. 298/910-911) and Passionate Love in Third/Ninth-Century Ṣūfism’, 225–242
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Hagit Nol, ‘Cities, Ribāṭs and Other Settlement Types in Palestine from the Seventh to the Early Thirteenth Century: An Exercise in Terminology’, 243–274
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M. Kemal Temel & Hakan Ertin, ‘Significant Instances of Paraphrasis in Sabuncuoğlu’s Illustrated Turkish Translation of al-Zahrāwī’s Arabic Surgical Masterpiece Al-Maqāla al-thalāthūn’, 275–293
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Muhammad Fawwaz Bin Muhammad Yusoff, ‘The Authentication of Ḥadīth: Ibn Ḥibbān’s Introduction to His Ṣaḥīḥ’, 294–310
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Ramzi Rouighi, ‘The Mediterranean between Barbaria and the Medieval Maghrib: Questions for a Return to History’, 311–331
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Jonathan Wilson, ‘The Filthy Animal and Saint Bernard of Clairvaux: Re-assessing the Case for Letter 308 and the Conquest of Lisbon, 1147’, 332–352
Philippa Byrne, ‘“Reddimus urbem”: Civic Order and Public Politics at the End of Norman Sicily’, 125–139
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Hana Taragan, ‘Textiles in Cross-Cultural Encounters: The Case of the Umayyad Palace at Khirbat al-Mafjar’, 140–155
Antonios Vratimos, ‘Joseph Tarchaneiotes and the Battle of Mantzikert (AD 1071)’, 156–168
Amar S. Baadj, ‘Evidence for the Ayyūbid Iqṭāʿ in Ifrīqiyya and a Reconsideration of the Almohad Iqṭāʿ’, 169–184
Hadi Taghavi , Ehsan Roohi & Navid Karimi, ‘An Ignored Arabic Account of a Byzantine Royal Woman’, 185–201
Special Issue: Cities and Citizenship after Rome
Guest editors: Sam Ottewill-Soulsby & Javier Martínez Jiménez
Sam Ottewill-Soulsby & Javier Martínez Jiménez, ‘Cities and Citizenship after Rome: Introduction’, 1–3
Aitor Blanco-Pérez, ‘Salvo iure gentium: Roman Citizenship and Civic Life before and after the Constitutio Antoniniana’, 4–17
Abstract| Full Text| PDF (1131 KB)|Andrew Wallace-Hadrill, ‘Civitas Romana: The Fluidity of an Ideal’, 18–33
Thomas R. Langley, ‘Local and Universal Citizenship in Works of the Cappadocian Fathers’, 34–53
Claudia Rapp, ‘Monastic Jargon and Citizenship Language in Late Antiquity’, 54–63
Robert Flierman & Els Rose, ‘Banished from the Company of the Good. Christians and Aliens in Fifth-Century Rome’, 64–86
Javier Martínez Jiménez, ‘Urban Identity and Citizenship in the West between the Fifth and Seventh Centuries’, 87–108
Kevin Blankinship, ‘Al-Maʿarrī’s Esteem in the Islamic West: A Preliminary Overview’, 1–19
Iñigo Almela, ‘Religious Architecture as an Instrument for Urban Renewal: Two Religious Complexes from the Saadian Period in Marrakesh’, 272–302
Abstract| Full Text| PDF (7574 KB)|Jeson Ng, ‘Women of the Crusades: The Constructedness of the Female Other, 1100–1200’, 303–322
Ivo Wolsing, ‘“Look, there comes the half-man!” Delegitimising Tancred of Lecce in Peter of Eboli’s Liber ad honorem Augusti’, 323–337
Çağla Caner Yüksel, ‘A Tale of Two Port Cities: Ayasuluk (Ephesus) and Balat (Miletus) during the Beyliks Period’, 338–365
Special Issue: Not the final frontier’: the world of Medieval islands
Guest editors: Luca Zavagno, Rebecca Darley & Jonathan Jarrett
Luca Zavagno, Rebecca Darley & Jonathan Jarrett, ‘Editorial’, 129–139
Luca Zavagno, ‘“Going to the Extremes”: The Balearics and Cyprus in the Early Medieval Byzantine Insular System’, 140–157
Matthew Harpster, ‘Sicily: A Frontier in the Centre of the Sea?’, 158–170
Nikolas Bakirtzis & Xenophon Moniaros, ‘Mastic Production in Medieval Chios: Economic Flows and Transitions in an Insular Setting’, 171–195
Jonathan Jarrett, ‘Nests of Pirates? “Islandness” in the Balearic Islands and La Garde-Freinet’, 196–222
Rebecca Darley, ‘The Island Frontier: Socotra, Sri Lanka and the Shape of Commerce in the Late Antique Western Indian Ocean’, 223–241
Anthony Minnema, ‘A Ṭā’ifa in Exile: Sayf al-Dawla and the Survival of the Banū Hūd’, 1–19
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Oded Zinger, ‘“One Hour He Is a Christian and the Next He Is a Muslim!” A Family Dispute from the Cairo Geniza’, 20–34
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Josep Suñé Arce, ‘Was the Umayyad Caliphate of Cordoba as Strong as Arab Chroniclers Claimed?’, 35–49
Lucas Villegas-Aristizábal, ‘Was the Portuguese Led Military Campaign against Alcácer do Sal in the Autumn of 1217 Part of the Fifth Crusade?’, 50–67
Maxime Poulain & Wim De Clercq, ‘Travelogue of an Almohad Sherd: from Twelfth-Century al-Andalus to Fourteenth-Century Flanders’, 68–94
Clare Vernon, ‘Dressing for Succession in Norman Italy: The Mantle of King Roger II’, 95–110
Special Issue: Voices of Conflict and Collaboration in the Medieval Mediterranean
Guest editors: Michael Lower & Uri Zvi Shachar
Michael Lower & Uri Zvi Shachar, ‘Introduction’, 241–247
Hussein Fancy, ‘Muslim Crusaders: Guzmán el Bueno and the Limits of Secular History’, 248–265
Abigail Krasner Balbale, ‘Affiliation and Ideology at the End of the Almohad Caliphate’, 266–283
Luke Yarbrough, ‘A Christian Shīʿī, and Other Curious Confreres: Ibn ʿAbd al-Barr of Córdoba on Getting Along with Unbelievers’, 284–303
Ann E. Zimo, ‘Baybars, naval power and Mamlūk psychological warfare against the Franks’, 304–316
Christopher MacEvitt, What Was Crusader about the Crusader States?’, 317–330
Gowaart Van Den Bossche, ‘Narrative Construction, Ideal Rule, and Emotional Discourse in the Biographies of Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn and Louis IX by Bahāʾ al-Dīn b. Shaddād and Jean Sire de Joinville’, 133–147
Fabrizio Benente, ‘Between al-Andalus and Genoa: The “Embriaci Tower” Lustreware’, 148–165
Mohammad Ali Yaghan, ‘Non-Descender and All-Cap Arabic Writing’. 166–190
Tarek Ladjal, ‘The Philosophical Conflict between the School of Baghdad and the School of Khorasan in the Tenth Century: Towards a New Understanding of the Development of Islamic Philosophy’, 191–211
Mohamed A. H. Ahmed, ‘An Initial Survey of Arabic Poetry in the Cairo Genizah’, 212–233
Obituary for Prof. Simon Barton
Antonella Liuzzo Scorpo, Esther-Miriam Wagner, Christopher Heath & Alun Williams, ‘Obituary’, 1–3
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Special Issue: Hair in the mediaeval Muslim World
Guest editor: Petra M. Sijpesteijn
Petra M. Sijpesteijn, ‘Beards, Braids and Moustachios: Exploring the Social Meaning of Hair in the Mediaeval Muslim World’, 4–8
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Petra M. Sijpesteijn, ‘Shaving Hair and Beards in Early Islamic Egypt: An Arab Innovation?’, 9–25
Christina Thérèse (Tineke) Rooijakkers, ‘The Luscious Locks of Lust: Hair and the Construction of Gender in Egypt from Clement to the Fāṭimids’, 26–55
Geert Jan van Gelder, ‘Rebarbative Beards in Classical Arabic Literature’, 56–70
Wen-chin Ouyang, ‘A Hairy State of Mind: Creativity in the Arabic Literary Imaginary’, 71–89
Shahzad Bashir, ‘The Mediation of Hair: Ṣūfī, Ḥurūfī, and Poetic Usages in Persian Texts’, 90–106
Ian Wood, ‘Hair and Beards in the Early Medieval West’, 107–116
Ramzi Rouighi, ‘A Mediterranean of Relations for the Medieval Maghrib: Historiography in Question’, 201–220
Matt King, ‘The Sword and the Sun: The Old World Drought Atlas as a Source for Medieval Mediterranean History’, 221–234
Rodrigo García-Velasco Bernal, ‘“ʿAlā fūr Tuṭīla”: Jews and Muslims in the Administrative Culture of Post-Conquest Tudela, c.1118–1220’, 235–257
Dotan Arad, ‘Welfare and Charity in a Sixteenth-Century Jewish Community in Egypt: A Study of Genizah Documents’, 258–272
Special Issue: Justice in Early Medieval Northern Iberia
Robert Portass, The Middling Sort at Court in Early Medieval Christian Iberia’, 99–113
Iñaki Martín Viso, ‘Authority and Justice in the Formation of the Kingdom of Asturias–León’, 114–132
Igor Santos Salazar, ‘Ruling through court: The political meanings of the settlement of disputes in Castile and Álava (ca. 900–1038)’, 133–150
Álvaro Carvajal Castro, ‘Secular Sanctions and Sales in Early Medieval León (9th-11th c.): Beyond Diplomatic Practice’, 151–171
Fernando Luis Corral & María Pérez Rodríguez, ‘Negotiating Fines in the Early Middle Ages: Local Communities, Mediators and the Instrumentalization of Justice in the Kingdom of León’, 172–185
Miguel Ángel Manzano Rodríguez, ‘Identity and Otherness: Maghribi Images in the Historiography about Alfonso XI of Castile (1311–1350)’, 1–12
Serge Gubert, ‘La semantique politique du jeu de couleurs merinide: pureté et clarté, blancheur et verdeur (xiiie–xve siècles)’, 13–40
Emilia Mataix Ferrándiz, ‘Will the Circle Be Unbroken? Continuity and Change of the Lex Rhodia's Jettison Principles in Roman and Medieval Mediterranean Rulings’, 41–59
Luis José García-Pulido, ‘The Last and Most Developed Naṣrid Palace in the Alhambra: The Alijares and Its Country Estate (Fourteenth Century)’, 60–83
Allegra Iafrate, ‘Solomon, Lord of the Rings: Fashioning the Signet of Power from Electrum to Nuḥās’, 221–241
Shainool Jiwa, ‘Kinship, Camaraderie and Contestation: Fāṭimid Relations with the Ashrāf in the Fourth/Tenth Century’, 242–264
Anna Gutgarts, ‘The Earthly Landscape of the Heavenly City: A New Framework for the Examination of the Urban Development of Frankish Jerusalem’, 265–281
Mohamad El Merheb, ‘Louis IX in Medieval Arabic Sources: The Saint, the King, and the Sicilian Connection’, 282–301
Andrew D. Buck, ‘The Castle and Lordship of Ḥārim and the Frankish-Muslim Frontier of Northern Syria in the Twelfth Century’, 113–131
Graham A. Loud, ‘Communities, Cultures and Conflict in Southern Italy, from the Byzantines to the Angevins’, 132–152
Luigi Andrea Berto, ‘Rumours of Wars and Deeds of Emperors: Circulation of News and “Stories” about Non-Venetians in Early Medieval Venice’, 153–170
Josephine van den Bent, ‘“None of the Kings on Earth is Their Equal in ʿaṣabiyya”: The Mongols in Ibn Khaldūn's Works’, 171–186
Pierre Moukarzel, ‘Venetian Merchants in Thirteenth-Century Alexandria and the Sultans of Egypt: an Analysis of Treaties, Privileges and Intercultural Relations’, 187–205
Special issue: Constructing the Umayyads: from Mecca to Madīnat al-Zahrāʾ
Andrew Marsham, ‘Constructing the Umayyads: From Mecca to Madīnat al-Zahrāʾ’, 1–5
Harry Munt, ‘Caliphal Imperialism and Ḥijāzī elites in the second/eighth Century’, 6–21
Majied Robinson, ‘From Traders to Caliphs: Prosopography, Geography and the Marriages of Muḥammad's Tribe’, 22–35
Hannah Hagemann, ‘Challenging Authority: Al-Balādhurī and al-Ṭabarī on Khārijism during the Reign of Muʿāwiya b. Abī Sufyān’, 36–56
Ann Christys, ‘“They fled to their remote Islands”: Al-Ḥakam II and al-Majūs in the Muqtabas of Ibn Ḥayyān’, 57–66
Nicola Clarke, ‘Heirs and Spares: Elite Fathers and Their Sons in the Literary Sources of Umayyad Iberia’, 67–83
Javier Albarrán Iruela, ‘“He Was a Muslim Knight Who Fought for Religion, Not for the World”. War and Religiosity in Islam: A Comparative Study between the Islamic East and West (Twelfth century)’, 191–206
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Edward Lawrence Holt, ‘Cantigas de Santa María, Cantigas de Cruzada: Reflections of Crusading Spirituality in Alfonso X's Cantigas de Santa María’, 207–224
Patricia Blessing, ‘Buildings of Commemoration in Medieval Anatolia: The Funerary Complexes of Ṣāḥib ʿAṭā Fakhr al-Dīn ʿAlī and Māhperī Khātūn’, 225–252
Gülşen Dişli, ‘Planning of Functional Spaces in Ottoman-Period Hospitals (Darüşşifa) of Anatolia’, 253–276
Nicholas Morton, ‘The Saljuq Turks’ Conversion to Islam: The Crusading Sources’, 109–118
Kevin James Lewis, ‘Medieval Diglossia: The Diversity of the Latin Christian Encounter with Written and Spoken Arabic in the “Crusader” County of Tripoli , with a Hitherto Unpublished Arabic Note from the Principality of Antioch (MS, AOM 3, Valletta: National Library of Malta, no. 51v)’, 119–152
Wim De Clercq, Jonas Braekevelt, Jaume Coll Conesa, Hilmi Kaçar, Josep Vicente Lerma & Jan Dumolyn, ‘Aragonese Tiles in a Flemish Castle: A Chivalric Gift-Exchange Network in Fifteenth-Century Europe’, 153–171
Special issue: History-writing and Violence in the Medieval Mediterranean
Guest editors: Antonella Liuzzo Scorpo & Jamie Wood
Antonella Liuzzo Scorpo & Jamie Wood, ‘Introduction: History-writing and Violence in the Medieval Mediterranean’, 1–6
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Jonathan P. Conant, ‘Anxieties of Violence: Christians and Muslims in Conflict in Aghlabid North Africa and the Central Mediterranean’, 7–23
Christopher Heath, ‘Third/Ninth-Century Violence: “Saracens” and Sawdān in Erchempert's Historia’, 24–40
Jamie Wood, ‘Persecution, Past and Present: Memorialising Martyrdom in Late Antique and Early Medieval Córdoba’, 41–60
Simon R. Doubleday, ‘Anger in the Crónica de Alfonso X’, 61–76
Alun Williams, ‘Images of Biblical Conflict in Castile, c.1150–c.1240: A Comparison of the Chronica Adefonsi Imperatoris and the Chronica Latina Regum Castellae’, 77–92
Martin Borýsek, ‘The Jews of Venetian Candia: The Challenges of External Influences and Internal Diversity as Reflected in Takkanot Kandiyah’, 241–266
A.C.S. Peacock, ‘The Seljuk Sultanate of Rūm and the Turkmen of the Byzantine frontier, 1206–1279*’, 267–287
Rachid El Hour, ‘Some Reflections about the Use of the Berber Language in the Medieval and Early Modern Maghrib: Data from Hagiographic Sources’, 288–298
Nader Masarwah & Abdallah Tarabieh, ‘Longing for Granada in Medieval Arabic and Hebrew Poetry’, 299–318
Mathieu Tillier, ‘Judicial Authority and Qāḍīs' Autonomy under the ʿAbbāsids’, 119–131
Péter Tamás Nagy, ‘Sultans' Paradise: The Royal Necropolis of Shāla, Rabat’, 132–146
Rabei Khamisy, ‘The Unratified Treaty between the Mamlūks and the Franks of Acre in 1268’, 147–167
Pedro Buendía, ‘Acerca del hielo en el islam medieval’, 168–182
Jonathan Rubin & Cornelia Linde, ‘Western Medicine for the Masters of Damascus: Benvenutus Grapheus's Experimenta’, 183–195
Giovanna Lelli, ‘Neo-Platonism in Ibn Khaldūn's Poetics’, 196–215
Special issue: Cosmopolitanism in Medieval Alexandria
From “Islam and the Medieval Mediterranean” to “Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean”, 1–2
Niall Christie, ‘Cosmopolitanism in Medieval Alexandria: Introduction’, 3–4
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Miriam Frenkel, ‘Medieval Alexandria – Life in a Port City’, 5–35
Paul E. Walker, ‘Fāṭimid Alexandria as an Entrepôt in the East–West Exchange of Islamic Scholarship’, 36–48
Niall Christie, ‘Cosmopolitan Trade Centre or Bone of Contention? Alexandria and the Crusades, 487–857/1095–1453’, 49–61
Georg Christ, ‘The Venetian Consul and the Cosmopolitan Mercantile Community of Alexandria at the Beginning of the Ninth/Fifteenth Century’, 62–77
Yehoshua Frenkel, ‘Alexandria in the Ninth/Fifteenth Century: A Mediterranean Port City and a Mamlūk Prison City’, 78–92